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韩国 清风朗月花正开 警界传奇
假面骑士平成世代 FINAL Build EX-AID with 传说骑士
德国 对峙麻雀溪 人妻收集者
埃及 生命属于人民 西南大劫案
冰岛 英超 曼联vs曼城 (江忠德) 20231029 新闺怨
11月2日 23-24赛季NBA常规赛 雄鹿VS猛龙
中国 寻龙契约3破阵 纱丽迷情
印尼 温暖的客栈 愿望树粤语
月满轩尼诗 粤语版
波黑 魔力女管家 暑期特别篇 2023-11-29 NBA季中赛 雷霆VS森林狼
西班牙 法医秦明之无声的证词 银河战将
巴哈马 小嗓门 默食女子
卢旺达 3月12日 22-23赛季西甲第25轮 塞尔塔VS巴列卡诺. 灭门国语
莱索托 革命机Valvrave 怒火凤凰
TVB 无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义 迷局伏香(国语版)
马其顿 八仙过海 85版 特工老爸
马耳他 DECA-DENCE 冰火魔厨


阿联酋 清风朗月花正开 再会:禁止成年人的爱
立陶宛 对峙麻雀溪 环环相扣的老故事第三季
微笑符 第一季
黎巴嫩 戴笠之死 一一
突尼斯 英超 曼联vs曼城 (江忠德) 20231029 听风者之歌
保加利亚 寻龙契约3破阵 爱的幻想/色幻
齐木楠雄的灾难 真人版
亚美尼亚 温暖的客栈 22-23赛季西甲第13轮 塞尔塔VS奥萨苏纳
21-22赛季NBA常规赛 雷霆VS森林狼
爱沙尼亚 魔力女管家 暑期特别篇 飘洋过海再爱你
2023斯诺克苏格兰赛 资格赛 里奇·沃顿VS哈马德·米亚赫
白俄罗斯 法医秦明之无声的证词 约翰尼·里诺
委内瑞拉 小嗓门 我们的美好时代第一季
巴巴多斯 3月12日 22-23赛季西甲第25轮 塞尔塔VS巴列卡诺. 男主他居心不良
北马其顿 革命机Valvrave 大君主
12月21日 23-24赛季法甲第17轮 巴黎圣日耳曼VS梅斯
塞拉利昂 无间双龙:这份爱,才是正义 月歌行
波斯尼亚 八仙过海 85版 碟仙诡谭
埃塞俄比亚 DECA-DENCE G12特别行动组——未来战士
赤道几内亚 克隆谋杀 有烟火的闽西
巴哈马群岛 面具之下 青春似火
破坏之王 粤语版


英国 家庭生活 一天,一个名为杰尼卡(桑迪·拉特克利夫SandyRatcliff饰)的姑娘独自坐在地铁车站的板凳上,很久很久之后,发现事情不对劲的人们将杰尼卡送往的警察局。在警察局里,杰尼卡拒绝配合警察的询问,最终,警察决定把这个令他们头疼的女孩送回家。杰尼卡的父母一直认为,杰尼卡这样全都是她前男友的错,当年,前男友给杰尼卡留下了一个孩子,之后远走高飞,而正是那场流产手术让杰尼卡的精神遭受了重创。之后,杰尼卡的精神每况愈下,她甚至用刀刺伤了母亲。在杰尼卡自己的要求之下,她住进精神病院接受了电击治疗,可是,这种疗法似乎对她的病情并没有什么用。
印度 雪峰神爸 湿婆夷(阿贾耶·德乌干饰)是一位生活在喜马拉雅山南麓的登山导游,同时又是一位忠实的湿婆神信徒,用他自己的话说,来此攀登的人或是来寻找自我或是来寻找神灵,他以能为其引路为荣。直到有一天,一位名叫欧尔伽(伊瑞卡·卡尔饰)的保加利亚女留学生来到他的团队,在英雄救美的过程中双双陷入爱河并结下爱情的果实。在湿婆夷的苦苦哀求下,欧尔伽决定生下高拉(阿比盖尔·埃姆斯饰)并留给了湿婆夷,然后返回家乡寻找自己的梦想。   八年后,一次地震让高拉知道了真相,她妈妈还活着。高拉坚持要见妈妈,湿婆夷只好带着女儿来到保加利亚,不料高拉未等见到妈妈就遭到以贩卖人口为业的俄罗斯黑手党的劫持,七十二小时内就可能运出国境。这时,心急如焚的湿婆夷面对敌人和警察的双重围剿,在美女大使安努什卡(萨耶莎·赛加尔饰)的协助下,有如湿婆神下界,发挥其职业特长与时间展开赛跑……
湿婆夷(阿贾耶·德乌干饰)是一位生活在喜马拉雅山南麓的登山导游,同时又是一位忠实的湿婆神信徒,用他自己的话说,来此攀登的人或是来寻找自我或是来寻找神灵,他以能为其引路为荣。直到有一天,一位名叫欧尔伽(伊瑞卡·卡尔饰)的保加利亚女留学生来到他的团队,在英雄救美的过程中双双陷入爱河并结下爱情的果实。在湿婆夷的苦苦哀求下,欧尔伽决定生下高拉(阿比盖尔·埃姆斯饰)并留给了湿婆夷,然后返回家乡寻找自己的梦想。   八年后,一次地震让高拉知道了真相,她妈妈还活着。高拉坚持要见妈妈,湿婆夷只好带着女儿来到保加利亚,不料高拉未等见到妈妈就遭到以贩卖人口为业的俄罗斯黑手党的劫持,七十二小时内就可能运出国境。这时,心急如焚的湿婆夷面对敌人和警察的双重围剿,在美女大使安努什卡(萨耶莎·赛加尔饰)的协助下,有如湿婆神下界,发挥其职业特长与时间展开赛跑……
美国 办公室第三季 Season 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch Hunt Original Air Date—21 September 2006 Michael apologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he's gay, for calling him a homosexual slur--but his apology outs Oscar to the entire office. And Jim decides to take a promotion at the Stamford office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 2: The Convention Original Air Date—28 September 2006 Micheal and Dwight go to a convention in Philadelphia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes jealous of Jim's relationship with his new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first date since her engagement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 3: The Coup Original Air Date—5 October 2006 Michael is in trouble once again as Jan busts him for declaring it's "Movie Monday" where everyone watches a movie and neglects work. Angela pushes Dwight to make a move on Michael's job while Pam and Jim find creative ways to waste time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 4: Grief Counseling Original Air Date—12 October 2006 Michael takes on the role of office grief counselor when he learns that his old boss has died. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 5: Initiation Original Air Date—19 October 2006 Dwight takes former temp Ryan to his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job at Dunder Mifflin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 6: Diwali Original Air Date—2 November 2006 Michael encourages the entire Scranton branch to support Kelly and attend a local celebration of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinking game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 7: Branch Closing Original Air Date—9 November 2006 When Jan tells Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael strives to keep his staff's spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone privately begins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 8: The Merger Original Air Date—16 November 2006 Jan informs Michael that the Scanton branch of Dunder Mifflin will be merging with the Stamford Branch. Jim and Pam are reunited while the other employees of both branches must adjust to their new co-workers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 9: The Convict Original Air Date—30 November 2006 Michael learns that one of the new employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record. Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy make a move on Pam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana Christmas Original Air Date—14 December 2006 Trouble among the members of the party planning committee results with the office having two competing Christmas parties, but Michael isn't interested in celebrating because he has just broken up with his girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 11: Back from Vacation Original Air Date—4 January 2007 Michael isn't supposed to let anyone know that he and Jan went on vacation together in Jamaica, but he accidentally circulates a compromising photo of them to the office via e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 12: Traveling Salesmen Original Air Date—11 January 2007 Dwight does a favor for Angela to keep her from getting in trouble. Andy finds out and uses it against him to get in tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess up, which will reveal his relationship with Angela, or risk getting fired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 13: The Return Original Air Date—18 January 2007 Andy does the impossible--he makes everyone in the office miss Dwight, who is forced to take a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael predictably throws a stereotypical Mexican party to celebrate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Franklin Original Air Date—1 February 2007 Michael asks Jim to get a male stripper for Phyllis's office bachelorette party, but he gets a Ben Franklin impersonator instead. Meanwhile, the men's bachelor party goes as planned until Michael becomes uncomfortable with the stripper. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 15: Phyllis' Wedding Original Air Date—8 February 2007 Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 16: Business School Original Air Date—15 February 2007 Michael is a guest speaker for Ryan's business class, but they have a falling-out after Michael finds out that Ryan spoke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And back at the office, Dwight tries to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 17: Cocktails Original Air Date—22 February 2007 While Michael and Jan go to their first Dunder-Mifflin outing as an official couple, the office workers left behind go out for happy hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 18: The Negotiation Original Air Date—5 April 2007 Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Roy, but Dwight won't allow Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Michael for a pay raise, and Michael discovers that he is woefully underpaid--so Michael goes to headquarters to ask for one himself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 19: Safety Training Original Air Date—12 April 2007 Andy returns to the office after weeks of anger management training, determined to make a fresh start with all the Dunder-Mifflin employees. Meanwhile, it's safety training day in the office, and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illuminate the dangers of the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 20: Product Recall Original Air Date—26 April 2007 Michael tries to be proactive during a watermark crisis, but only makes the situation worse. Meanwhile, Angela has trouble being apologetic with customers, and Andy discovers a secret about his new girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 21: Women's Appreciation Original Air Date—3 May 2007 Phyllis gets flashed in the parking lot, and Dwight goes all out to secure the premises. Michael ostensibly takes the women in the office to the mall to comfort them, but he's really doing it to get advice about breaking up with Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 22: Beach Games Original Air Date—5 May 2007 Michael uses "beach day" at Dunder-Mifflin to find out which employee would be his most capable replacement, just in case he receives the promotion to the New York office that he's applied for. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 23: The Job Original Air Date—17 May 2007 Michael appoints Dwight as regional manager, anticipating that he will receive the job at corporate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same position. And Michael gets back together with Jan after she gets a boob job.
Season 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch Hunt Original Air Date—21 September 2006 Michael apologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he's gay, for calling him a homosexual slur--but his apology outs Oscar to the entire office. And Jim decides to take a promotion at the Stamford office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 2: The Convention Original Air Date—28 September 2006 Micheal and Dwight go to a convention in Philadelphia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes jealous of Jim's relationship with his new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first date since her engagement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 3: The Coup Original Air Date—5 October 2006 Michael is in trouble once again as Jan busts him for declaring it's "Movie Monday" where everyone watches a movie and neglects work. Angela pushes Dwight to make a move on Michael's job while Pam and Jim find creative ways to waste time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 4: Grief Counseling Original Air Date—12 October 2006 Michael takes on the role of office grief counselor when he learns that his old boss has died. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 5: Initiation Original Air Date—19 October 2006 Dwight takes former temp Ryan to his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job at Dunder Mifflin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 6: Diwali Original Air Date—2 November 2006 Michael encourages the entire Scranton branch to support Kelly and attend a local celebration of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinking game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 7: Branch Closing Original Air Date—9 November 2006 When Jan tells Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael strives to keep his staff's spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone privately begins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 8: The Merger Original Air Date—16 November 2006 Jan informs Michael that the Scanton branch of Dunder Mifflin will be merging with the Stamford Branch. Jim and Pam are reunited while the other employees of both branches must adjust to their new co-workers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 9: The Convict Original Air Date—30 November 2006 Michael learns that one of the new employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record. Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy make a move on Pam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana Christmas Original Air Date—14 December 2006 Trouble among the members of the party planning committee results with the office having two competing Christmas parties, but Michael isn't interested in celebrating because he has just broken up with his girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 11: Back from Vacation Original Air Date—4 January 2007 Michael isn't supposed to let anyone know that he and Jan went on vacation together in Jamaica, but he accidentally circulates a compromising photo of them to the office via e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 12: Traveling Salesmen Original Air Date—11 January 2007 Dwight does a favor for Angela to keep her from getting in trouble. Andy finds out and uses it against him to get in tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess up, which will reveal his relationship with Angela, or risk getting fired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 13: The Return Original Air Date—18 January 2007 Andy does the impossible--he makes everyone in the office miss Dwight, who is forced to take a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael predictably throws a stereotypical Mexican party to celebrate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Franklin Original Air Date—1 February 2007 Michael asks Jim to get a male stripper for Phyllis's office bachelorette party, but he gets a Ben Franklin impersonator instead. Meanwhile, the men's bachelor party goes as planned until Michael becomes uncomfortable with the stripper. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 15: Phyllis' Wedding Original Air Date—8 February 2007 Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 16: Business School Original Air Date—15 February 2007 Michael is a guest speaker for Ryan's business class, but they have a falling-out after Michael finds out that Ryan spoke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And back at the office, Dwight tries to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling. Next US airings: Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 17: Cocktails Original Air Date—22 February 2007 While Michael and Jan go to their first Dunder-Mifflin outing as an official couple, the office workers left behind go out for happy hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 18: The Negotiation Original Air Date—5 April 2007 Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Roy, but Dwight won't allow Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Michael for a pay raise, and Michael discovers that he is woefully underpaid--so Michael goes to headquarters to ask for one himself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 19: Safety Training Original Air Date—12 April 2007 Andy returns to the office after weeks of anger management training, determined to make a fresh start with all the Dunder-Mifflin employees. Meanwhile, it's safety training day in the office, and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illuminate the dangers of the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 20: Product Recall Original Air Date—26 April 2007 Michael tries to be proactive during a watermark crisis, but only makes the situation worse. Meanwhile, Angela has trouble being apologetic with customers, and Andy discovers a secret about his new girlfriend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 21: Women's Appreciation Original Air Date—3 May 2007 Phyllis gets flashed in the parking lot, and Dwight goes all out to secure the premises. Michael ostensibly takes the women in the office to the mall to comfort them, but he's really doing it to get advice about breaking up with Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 22: Beach Games Original Air Date—5 May 2007 Michael uses "beach day" at Dunder-Mifflin to find out which employee would be his most capable replacement, just in case he receives the promotion to the New York office that he's applied for. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3, Episode 23: The Job Original Air Date—17 May 2007 Michael appoints Dwight as regional manager, anticipating that he will receive the job at corporate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same position. And Michael gets back together with Jan after she gets a boob job.
中国大陆 给我一双慧眼 该片主要讲述在全球金融危机给中国制造业带来巨大冲击的背景下,中国南方一家小微企业如何从困境中走出的故事。塑造的是一位年轻的女支书如何面对多重危机的压力,胸怀责任勇于担当,用情感和信念感化曾经消极应对危机的企业主,将矛盾的对立转化为利益的共同,最终通过全村党员干部和群众的力量,使企业走出困境获得新生。眼镜厂老板李成义跑路。村支书朱文秀想尽办法,安抚住人心。眼镜厂恢复生产,却被外国商人蒙骗。夏朝忠带头闹事,退了股。李成义推销掉眼镜,工厂起死回生。夏朝忠眼红,纠集退股的村民寻衅。
日本 淫行 26岁的美丽女子田所真理子(麻生かおり 饰)与33岁的宫永步(坂元贞美 饰)既是职场的合作伙伴,又是一对男女恋人。只是宫永过于专注事业,而对真理子关心不够。因业务关系,他们与16岁的男孩柴崎耕平(戸上正彦 饰)接洽,进行程序软件的开发。耕平正处在躁动的青春期,虽然有着一位在超市工作的女朋友菊地比吕美(渡辺久美子 饰),但是对方却更愿意和超市的负责人川岛(岛村健次 饰)苟合,而不愿与耕平更近一步。耕平对真理子渐生好感,反遭拒绝,宫永则对耕平的做法一笑了之,不以为意,这令真理子大为光火。在这个炎热的夏天,她向这个少年展开了攻势……
26岁的美丽女子田所真理子(麻生かおり 饰)与33岁的宫永步(坂元贞美 饰)既是职场的合作伙伴,又是一对男女恋人。只是宫永过于专注事业,而对真理子关心不够。因业务关系,他们与16岁的男孩柴崎耕平(戸上正彦 饰)接洽,进行程序软件的开发。耕平正处在躁动的青春期,虽然有着一位在超市工作的女朋友菊地比吕美(渡辺久美子 饰),但是对方却更愿意和超市的负责人川岛(岛村健次 饰)苟合,而不愿与耕平更近一步。耕平对真理子渐生好感,反遭拒绝,宫永则对耕平的做法一笑了之,不以为意,这令真理子大为光火。在这个炎热的夏天,她向这个少年展开了攻势……
大陆 七侯笔录
日本 赤裸的美奈子 十年前,拥有极不平凡人生经历的美奈子(中岛知子 饰)带着星音、美奈、来梦、妃翠、莲莲、乃爱琉等六个孩子离开小豆岛,也结束了一段曾经为世人所熟知的婚姻。转眼十年过去,孩子们渐次长大,美奈则在一家养老院工作,日常里对孤独老人们体贴备至。长大的孩子们各有各的烦恼,这不觉让美奈想起自己的学生时代。15岁那年,美奈(阶户瑠李 饰)饱受狂暴父亲的殴打,在学校受欺负的她后来成为一名不良少女,打架、抽烟、吸毒,无恶不作,最终遭到退学的处罚。好不容易结识的男性,又活脱脱是一个充满兽性的人渣。小小年纪带着接二连三出生的子女,美奈走过不平凡的人生。而今尘埃落定,这名背负着刺青的女子正和孩子们携手前进……
十年前,拥有极不平凡人生经历的美奈子(中岛知子 饰)带着星音、美奈、来梦、妃翠、莲莲、乃爱琉等六个孩子离开小豆岛,也结束了一段曾经为世人所熟知的婚姻。转眼十年过去,孩子们渐次长大,美奈则在一家养老院工作,日常里对孤独老人们体贴备至。长大的孩子们各有各的烦恼,这不觉让美奈想起自己的学生时代。15岁那年,美奈(阶户瑠李 饰)饱受狂暴父亲的殴打,在学校受欺负的她后来成为一名不良少女,打架、抽烟、吸毒,无恶不作,最终遭到退学的处罚。好不容易结识的男性,又活脱脱是一个充满兽性的人渣。小小年纪带着接二连三出生的子女,美奈走过不平凡的人生。而今尘埃落定,这名背负着刺青的女子正和孩子们携手前进……
日本 绳子和乳房 两对酷爱SM的夫妻,一场变态的换妻游戏,生命不息,SM不止 hellip; hellip;看到最后也有种凄凉的感觉
两对酷爱SM的夫妻,一场变态的换妻游戏,生命不息,SM不止 hellip; hellip;看到最后也有种凄凉的感觉
韩国 交换:危险的性爱 郑赫在与池恩的夫妻生活中感到厌倦,在小区偶然遇见了过去当KTV陪唱的敏珠,仁珠目睹了郑赫的婚外情,利用这个弱点,敏珠向郑赫勒索要钱,但是郑赫反而诱惑人珠说愿意多给点钱,但是得来一场换妻体验...
同行 《同行》讲述了从灵光嫁到高昌后,30年来独自养育子女,经营农产品的母亲,在儿子从美国带着陌生的异国人儿媳突然回国后发生的故事。
日本 家族游戏 居住在某高档社区的沼田家拥有令人欣羡的生活,父亲一茂(板尾创路 饰)担任某大型公司人事部主管;母亲佳代子(铃木保奈美 饰)温柔体贴操持家中的一切;长子慎一(神木隆之介 饰)学业优秀,运动全能;唯有正在...
居住在某高档社区的沼田家拥有令人欣羡的生活,父亲一茂(板尾创路 饰)担任某大型公司人事部主管;母亲佳代子(铃木保奈美 饰)温柔体贴操持家中的一切;长子慎一(神木隆之介 饰)学业优秀,运动全能;唯有正在...
韩国 她的情事
大陆 末代亲王 离家出走的爱新觉罗·天恩回到杭州,因为一块手绢与叶星辰一见钟情。天恩的哥哥天熙害死了叶星辰的父亲,叶星辰与王府有不共戴天之仇。天恩骗星辰他是罗觅欧,后来被天熙戳穿,星辰在悲伤之下用刀伤了他。后来在天恩的感化下,星辰终于接受了他。天恩愿把爵位让给天熙,要求王爷答应他和星辰的婚事。王爷同意了他。星辰到王府偷令牌,被天熙发现,差点被他侮辱。后来天恩救了她,可是她和哥哥被关起来。天熙接受爵位当天,天恩带领起义军包围了亲王府,天熙用枪顶住王爷要挟天恩,王爷感慨一生,用枪自杀。
美国 贝尔科实验[电影解说] 故事讲述别尔科公司的职员们原本平静的一天被广播里的神秘声音划破,他们被告知公司范围内将强制展开大型逃杀活动,一群平日西装革履的伪善者会不会在死亡面前创造人性丑陋新高度?
大陆 茅山叔叔[电影解说] 电影《茅山叔叔》影片主要讲述了清末民初年间,香港任家镇富商任老太爷病逝后尸体不翼而飞,同时镇上惊现“血妖”作祟,“茅山叔叔”毛小方与两个徒弟协助曹歪嘴队长追查“血妖”揭露事实真相的故事。
美国 末日地堡第二季